
New opening hours

Please note that Mend Chiropractic’s opening hours will change as of February. Our new hours…

Christmas Hours

Mend Chiropractic will be closed from Thursday December 23. We will reopen Thursday January 6. Book…

You can now use your iPhone or Apple Watch for health fund claims

Instead of swiping your health fund card, iPhone or Apple Watch users can now make…

We’ve moved up the hall!

Mend Chiropractic has moved, but not far away! We're now located at a new suite…

Sore Back? Consider a Chiro?

Is an exercise injury stopping you in your tracks? Maybe you’ve been practising some bad…

What is Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique?

At Mend Chiropractic we use a range of techniques specific for each individual patient, but a tool we…