Your wellbeing is our priority

Dear friends

At Mend Chiropractic, your health and wellbeing has always been our focus. At this unprecedented time, we will be taking additional steps to protect you.

Hand sanitiser is available in the waiting room and the treatment room, and we encourage everyone to use it before and after their appointment.

Appointments will be spaced out to allow for extra cleaning through the practice and to minimise your time spent in the waiting room.

We will not charge a cancellation fee if you are unwell and unable to attend your appointment.  If you are unwell, please stay at home.

New patients will be asked additional questions at the time of booking. This will protect the health of existing patients.

We will no longer be using pillows in the practice. Adjustments will use the headpiece of the table only, which can be cleaned thoroughly between patients.

We will of course continue to follow the directions of NSW Health with respect to cleaning hands, covering coughs/sneezes and staying at home if unwell.

Circumstances are changing quickly, and we’ll send out updates as needed. In the meantime, stay well and keep your immunity strong by exercising, eating well and getting plenty of sleep. And if you’re working from home, invest in good ergonomics and have regular breaks from sitting/screens.

Keep well and let’s look after each other.


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admin: Chiropractor in Glebe, Inner West Sydney.